
Queen Mary 瑪麗皇后面膜系列:賦予肌膚全新生命力 | Queen Mary Mask Series: Rejuvenating Your Skin

Queen Mary 瑪麗皇后面膜系列,專為各種肌膚問題打造,從淨白、保濕到凍齡,全面提升您的肌膚狀態,讓您天天展現自信光彩。
The Queen Mary Mask series is designed to address various skin issues, from whitening and moisturizing to anti-aging, fully enhancing your skin condition, helping you radiate confidence every day.

櫻桃C戀白面膜 | Cherry C Whitening Mask

注入完美透白,淨白輕而易舉 | Infuse Perfect Brightness, Whitening Made Easy
This mask contains high concentrations of Vitamin C essence, effectively whitening the skin and improving dullness, leaving your skin bright and fair, effortlessly achieving perfect whitening effects.

杏仁酸淨白面膜 | Mandelic Acid Whitening Mask

透亮嫩顏白淨,光滑粗大毛孔 | Bright and Clear, Smooth Out Large Pores
Mandelic acid deeply cleanses pores and removes dead skin cells, leaving your skin fine and smooth. It is especially suitable for improving large pores and uneven skin tone, giving you delicate and fair skin.

銀杏光澤面膜 | Ginkgo Radiance Mask

光澤緊緻飽水,細滑保濕修護 | Radiant Tightening and Hydration, Smooth Moisturizing Repair
This mask is rich in ginkgo essence, effectively enhancing skin radiance while providing deep hydration, making the skin tight and plump. It is especially suitable for dry and dehydrated skin, giving it a healthy glow.

九胜肽凍齡面膜 | Nine Peptides Anti-Aging Mask

滲透彈力保濕,看見嫩白年輕 | Penetrative Elastic Moisturizing, Seeing Youthful Fairness
Nine peptides deeply penetrate the skin, providing elastic moisturizing effects, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, making the skin look younger. It is particularly suitable for those seeking anti-aging effects, restoring youthful radiance.

牡丹煥白瞬效面膜 | Peony Instant Whitening Mask

完美淨白剔透光澤,改善暗沉 | Perfect Whitening and Transparency, Improving Dullness
This mask contains peony essence, quickly improving dull skin issues and infusing transparency and radiance, making the skin look whiter and brighter. It is suitable for those needing a quick brightening effect, creating perfectly white skin.

粉刺剋星剝除式黑面膜 | Acne Buster Peel-Off Black Mask

清潔毛孔、擊退粉刺 | Cleanses Pores, Banishes Acne
This black mask is designed for pore cleansing, effectively removing blackheads and banishing stubborn skin problems, restoring clean and clear skin. It is especially suitable for acne-prone skin, bringing back smooth and clear skin.

選擇 Queen Mary 瑪麗皇后面膜系列,讓您的肌膚獲得全方位的呵護和提升。
Choose the Queen Mary Mask Series for comprehensive care and enhancement of your skin.
Whether you need whitening, moisturizing, anti-aging, or cleansing, this series caters to your needs, helping you show your most confident self every day.

立即體驗 Queen Mary 瑪麗皇后面膜,讓肌膚煥發新生,煥然一新!✨
Experience Queen Mary Masks now, rejuvenate your skin, and feel refreshed! ✨

任選 / 超人氣面膜 2箱 / 2680元
優惠價1340元 / 箱
每箱平均折扣優惠 50元
每片約33.5元 | Any 2 Boxes of Popular Masks for 2680 TWD
Discounted Price: 1340 TWD per box
Average Discount: 50 TWD per box
Approx. 33.5 TWD per piece

任選 / 超人氣面膜 4箱 / 4990元
優惠價1248.5元 / 箱
每箱平均折扣優惠 142.5元
每片約31.2元 | Any 4 Boxes of Popular Masks for 4990 TWD